Rhinoplasty is a single channel narrative video, depicting a group of wealthy Mexico City male youths who are bored, sniff coke and release their frustration by harassing working-class people. The video features non-actors who play themselves and use a high degree of improvisation since there is no “iron script”.


Single channel.


Duration: 40 minutes.

Dimensions: Variable.

Articles & Interviews about Rhinoplasty.


Makary J., Rhinoplasty at Vox's Fourth Wall. The Nicola Midnight St. Claire, September, 2011. [PDF]

Feder, Elena. Texto para el catálogo. Argos Festival. 2003. [PDF]

Schmelz Itala. Rhinoplastia cine de calidad que busca mostrar al ser humano. La Jornada. pp 22. Octubre 28, 2000. [PDF]