Barthe Christine, Okon Yoshua, Passages Dans le Temps, interview published in the catalogue of the exhibition ''Who is gazing''? at Museé du Quai Branly Jacques Chirac, Paris, France, June, 2020. [PDF]
González, Héctor, En México hay pocos críticos serios de arte contemporáneo: Yoshua Okón, Aristegui Online, Mexico, February, 2020. [PDF]
Ferra, Luis Felipe, Yoshua Okón vs la metástasis neoliberal, Hotbook, Mexico, December, 2019. [PDF]
Cuevas, Andrea, Yoshua Okón: El incansable, Life and Style Magazine, June, 2019. [PDF]
De Sarmiento, Nicolás, ''Yoshua Okón: Busco que el público se replantee ideas sobre el mundo y la realidad”, Artishock, Chile, May, 2019.[PDF]
Fullerton Elizabeth, Yoshua Okón Makes Social Tensions Painfully Visible, Revista Elephant, febrero, 2019. [PDF]
Vinós, Gabrielle, Sobre lo invisible: cultura, procesos y vínculos. Entrevista con Yoshua Okón, Código Magazine, Mexico City, November, 2017. [PDF]
Makoszay, Eduardo, Del escusado al vómito: Yoshua Okón nos platicó sus obras en el MUAC, Vice, Mexico, October, 2017. [PDF]
Rodríguez, Carlos, Los efectos de la alienación, La Tempestad, Mexico, October, 2017. [PDF]
León, Ana, La política de infiltración de Yoshua Okón, Agencia N22, Mexico, October, 2017. [PDF]
Zambrano, Lourdes, El oráculo de Yoshua Okón, Revista R Reforma, Mexico, September 2017. [PDF]
Cadena, Mauricio, Entrevista con Yoshua Okón, Revista 192, Mexico, September, 2017. [PDF]
Reyes, Rosario, Parodia hiperreal, El Financiero, Mexico, October, 2017. [PDF]
Zambrano, Lourdes, El oráculo de Yoshua Okón, Revista R Reforma, September 2017. [PDF]
Arriola, Magalí, Trading Places. Frieze Magazine, May, 2017. [PDF]
Maristain, Mónica, La irreverencia de Yoshua Okón y Santiago Sierra. Una crítica desde el arte a Carlos Slim, Sin Embargo, Mexico City, March 2016. [PDF]
Grumbach, Matthew, Returning to the site of protest, Dis Magazine, 2015. [PDF]
Morales, Julio César, Interview with artist Yoshua Okón, ASU Art Museum, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, July 2015.[PDF]
Yoshua Okón, Drawn to Scale, Kchung Radio, Los Angeles, June 2015.[AUDIO]
Haas Lidija, Lidija Haas talks to Yoshua Okón, Tank Magazine, Volume 8, Issue 3, Mexico City, Mexico, Spring, 2015.[PDF]
Yoshua Okón Interview, Mexico Inside Out, The Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Art this week, Ep. 195, December, 2013. [VIDEO]
Decker, Arden, For the record... The Guacamole Show and Other Topics. México Inside Out: Themes in Art Since 1990, México. 2013. [PDF: Español & English]
Ortiz Ramírez, Eduardo. Interview: Yoshua Okón. Err-magazine no(6), June-July 2010. [PDF]
Ruiz, Guillermo. Entrevista a Yoshua Okón. Tomo No 21, pp 8-10. March, 2010. [PDF]
Arantes Priscila, Crossing, pp 106-111, 178-179. September, 2010. [PDF: English / Português]
Casas Bulnes, Rocío. Desarmar para construir. Arte al limite, No 46, pp 56-58, January-February, 2010. [PDF]
Perdices, Álvaro. Interview with Yoshua Okón a propos of White Russians. Artecontexto, pp 42-53, 2009. [PDF: Español / English]
Morrison Gavin, A propósito... (Incidentally...), 1997. Lifting: Theft in Art, Atopia Projects, pp 90-98, 2009. [PDF]
Revoredo, Alberto. Las distintas caras de la política. El Comercio, March 23, 2008. [PDF]
Carpio, Francisco. Zoologia Humana, ABCD, 749. Semanal,10-6 June, 2006. [PDF]
Yoshua Okón Discusses Crabby With Erica Burton. Human Nature, Pump House Gallery, 2005. [PDF]
Schmelz Itala. Rhinoplastia cine de calidad que busca mostrar al ser humano. La Jornada. pp 22. Octubre 28, 2000. [PDF]
Yoshua Okón Guide Visit: Collateral at Museo Universitario Arte Contemporaneo MUAC.
Reforma, October 2017.